F.A.R.M. Club,Newsletter










ATTENTION:   There will be no club meeting this month.


CHRISTMAS PARTY ALERT:  The F.A.R.M. Club Christmas Party
will be on December 9th at Urbancrest Baptist Church, 2643 Drake Road,
Lebanon, Ohio
.  Doors will open at 5:00 pm and we will eat at 6:00 pm. 


The dinner is open only to club members and their families. The charge
will be $5.00 per person payable at the door and children 12 and under free but
you MUST RSVP by December 6th to Donna Williams 513-398-6739
(dwilliams40@cinci.rr.com) or Debi Bowles 513-932-4310.


Don’t forget to bring a “white elephant” gift or two marked man, woman or child.
 These will be our Bingo prizes.


At the November meeting, Glenn Williams was elected as director.  He will
join Russ Rolke and Walt Biggs, Sr. Pat Hacker will remain as secretary and Debi
Bowles as treasurer.


Bill Bors would like to “thank” everyone who participated in the Springboro
parade.  We had fourteen tractors representing our club.


The Club extends “get well wishes” to Howard Hale on his recent extensive
 hip replacement surgery.  Get well soon!


A special “thank you” to all Club members that worked and supported

our Club throughout this entire year.


Forgot something? Check the club website at: www.thefarmclub.org.


If you have any questions, please contact one of our three directors: 
Homer Hurtt 513-932-5217:  Russ Rolke 513-248-2501:  Walt Biggs, Sr. 513-932-7732


MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pat Hacker